Spatial analysis and modelling
Most recent papers on arXiv.orgLiu X. and Jiang B. (2012), Defining and generating axial lines from street center lines for better understanding of urban morphologies, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26(8), 1521-1532. [PDF]
Jiang B. and Jia T. (2011a), Agent-based simulation of human movement shaped by the underlying street structure, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25(1), 51-64. [PDF][Demo]
Jiang B. and Liu X. (2012), Scaling of geographic space from the perspective of city and field blocks and using volunteered geographic information, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26(2), 215-229. Reprinted in Akerkar R. (2013, editor), Big Data Computing, Taylor & Francis: London, 483-500. [PDF][Data]
Jiang B. and Jia T. (2011b), Zipf's law for all the natural cities in the United States: a geospatial perspective, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25(8), 1269-1281.[PDF][Data]
Jiang B. and Liu X. (2011), Computing the fewest-turn map directions based on the connectivity of natural roads, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25(7), 1069-1082. [PDF]
Jiang B. (2010), Scaling of geographic space and its implications, A position paper presented at Las Navas 20th Anniversary Meeting on Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space, Las Navas del Marques, Avila, Spain, July 5 - 9, 2010, [PDF]
Jiang B. (2010), Bottom-up approach to studying the street structure and human movement patterns, A position paper presented at the Workshop on Movement Research: Are you in the flow?, May 10th 2010, Guimares, Portugal, [PDF]
Jiang B. and Liu X. (2010), Automatic generation of the axial lines of urban environments to capture what we perceive, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24(4), 545–558,, [PDF] [Software][Final]
Omer I. and Jiang B. (2010), Imageability and topological eccentricity of urban streets, in: Jiang B. and Yao X. (editors), Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Urban Structure and Dynamics, Springer: Berlin, 163-175.
Jiang B. (2010), Data-intensive geospatial analysis and computation, A position paper presented at the National Science Foundation TeraGrid Workshop on Cyber-GIS, February 2-3, 2010 - Washington DC, [PDF][PPT]
Jiang B. and Yao X. (2010), Geospatial analysis and modeling of urban structure and dynamics: an overview, in: Jiang B. and Yao X. (editors), Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Urban Structure and Dynamics, Springer: Berlin, 3-11.
Jiang B. and Yao X. (editors, 2010), Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Urban Structure and Dynamics, Springer: Berlin, 440 pages, [Intro]
Jiang B., Yin J. and Zhao S. (2009), Characterizing human mobility patterns in a large street network, Physical Review E, 80, 021136, Preprint, arXiv:0809.5001, [PDF] [Data][Final]
Jiang B. and Liu X. (2009), AxialGen: a research prototype for automatically generating the axial map, Presented at the 11th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), Hong Kong, 16-18 June 2009, Preprint,, [PDF]
Jiang B. (2009), Street hierarchies: a minority of streets account for a majority of traffic flow, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 23(8), 1033-1048, Preprint,, [PDF]
Jiang B. (2009), Ranking spaces for predicting human movement in an urban environment, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 23(7), 823–837, Preprint,, [PDF]
Jiang B. and Liu C. (2009), Street-based topological representations and analyses for predicting traffic flow in GIS, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 23(9), 1119–1137, Preprint,, [PDF]
Jiang B., Zhao S., and Yin J. (2008), Self-organized natural roads for predicting traffic flow: a sensitivity study, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, July, P07008, Preprint,, [PDF][Final]
Jiang B. (2008), Flow dimension and capacity for structuring urban street networks, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387, 4440 - 4452. [PDF]
Jiang B. (2007), A topological pattern of urban street networks: universality and peculiarity, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 384, 647 - 655 [PDF] [Data]
Jiang B. and Omer I. (2007), Spatial topology and its structural analysis based on the concept of simplicial complex, Transactions in GIS, 11(6), 943–960. [PDF]
Jiang B. and Yao X. (2006), Location-based services and GIS in perspective, Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 30, 712 - 725. (reprinted with permission of Elsevier in the book by Gartner G., Cartwright W. and Peterson M. P. (eds. 2007), Location Based Services and TeleCartography, Springer:Berlin) [PDF]
Jiang B. (2005), A structural perspective on visibility patterns with a topographic surface, Transactions in GIS, 9(4), 475 - 488. [PDF]
Jiang B. (2005), Small world modelling for complex geographic environments, in: Portugali J. (ed.). Complex Artificial Environments, Springer, Heidelberg, 259 - 271.[PDF]
Jiang B. and Claramunt C. (2004), A structural approach to model generalisation of an urban street network, Geoinformatica: an International Journal on Advances of Computer Science for Geographic Information Systems, 8(2), 157-171. [PDF]
Jiang B. and Harrie L. (2004), Selection of streets from a network using self-organizing maps, Transactions in GIS, 8(3), 335 - 350. [PDF]
Jiang B. and Claramunt C. (2004), Topological analysis of urban street networks, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 31, 151- 162. [PDF]
Jiang B. and Claramunt C. (2002), Integration of space syntax into GIS: new perspectives for urban morphology, Transactions in GIS, 6(3), 295-309. [PDF]
Claramunt C. and Jiang B. (2001), An integrated representation of spatial and temporal relationships between evolving regions, Journal of Geographical Systems, 3, 411 - 428. [PDF]
Jiang B. and Gimblett H. R. (2001), An agent-based approach to environmental and urban systems within geographic information systems, in: Gimblett H. R. (ed.), Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Agent-Based Modeling Techniques for Understanding Social and Ecological Processes, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 171 - 190.[PDF]
Jiang B., Claramunt C. and Klarqvist B. (2000), An integration of space syntax into GIS for modelling urban spaces, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2, 161-171. [PDF]
Claramunt C. and Jiang B. (2000), A representation of relationships in temporal spaces, in: Martin D. and Atkinson P. (eds.) Innovation in GIS VII: Geocomputation, chapter 4, Taylor & Francis, 41 - 53. [PDF]
Jiang B. and Claramunt C. (2000), Extending space syntax towards an alternative model of space within GIS, Presented at the 3nd AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science in Helsinki, May 25-27, 2000. [PDF]
Claramunt C. and Jiang B. (2000), Hierarchical reasoning in time and space, Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, August 10-12, Beijing. [PDF]
Batty M., Dodge M. and Jiang B. (1999), GIS and urban design, in: Geertman S., Openshaw S. and Stillwell J. (ed.) Geographical Information and Planning: European Perspectives, Springer-Verlag, 43 - 65. [PDF]
Jiang B., Claramunt C. and Batty M. (1999), Geometric accessibility and geographic information: extending desktop GIS to space syntax, Computers Environment and Urban Systems: An International Journal, 23, 127 – 146. [PDF]
Jiang B. and Claramunt C.(1999), A comparison study on space syntax as a computer model of space, Proceedings of 2rd International Symposium on Space Syntax, 29 March - 2 April, Brasilia, Brazil, 1999.
Jiang B. (1998), A space syntax approach to spatial cognition in urban environments, A position paper presented at the NSF-funded research workshop on Cognitive Models of Dynamic Phenomena and Their Representations, October 29 - 31, 1998, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.[HTML]
Claramunt C. and Jiang B. (2001), A qualitative model for the simulation of traffic behaviours in a multi-lane environment, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 11, 29-42.[PDF]
Jiang B. (2000), Agent-based approach to modelling urban and environmental systems within GIS, Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, August 10-12, Beijing. [PDF]
Batty M. and Jiang B. (2000), Multi-agent simulation: computational dynamics within GIS, in: Martin D. and Atkinson P. (eds.) Innovation in GIS VII: Geocomputation, Taylor & Francis, 55 - 71.[PDF]
Jiang B. (1999), SimPed: simulating pedestrian flows in a virtual urban environment, Journal of Geographic Information and Decision Analysis, 3(1), 21 - 30.[HTML]
Jiang B. (1998), Multi-agent simulations for pedestrian crowds, in: Bargiela A. and Kerckhoffs E. (eds.), Simulation Technology: Science and Art, 10th European Simulation Symposium and Exhibition, October 26 - 28, 1998, Nottingham, 383 - 387.
Yao X. and Jiang B. (2005), Visualization of qualitative locations in geographic information systems, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 32(4), 219 - 229.[PDF]
Jiang B. (2003), Beyond serving maps: serving GIS functionality over the Internet, in: M. P. Peterson (ed. 2003), Maps and the Internet, Elsevier, 147 - 158.
Jiang B., Huang B. and Vasek V. (2003), Geovisualisation for planning support systems, In: Geertman S. and Stillwell J. (eds. 2003), Planning Support Systems in Practice, Springer: Berlin, 177 - 191. [PDF]
Jiang B. Huang B. and Lu F. (2002), Spatial analysis and geovisualization in GIS (in Chinese), Higher Education Press, Beijing, 252 pages.
Jiang B. and Claramunt C. (2002), A structural approach to model generalisation of an urban street network, Proceedings of 5th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, 25-27 April, Mallorca, Spain.[PDF]
Huang B. and Jiang B. (2002), AVTOP: a full integration of TOPMODEL into GIS, Environmental Modelling & Software, 17(3), 261-268 [PDF]
Huang B., Jiang B. and Lin H. (2001), An integration of GIS, virtual reality and the Internet for visualisation, analysis and exploration of spatial data, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 15(5), 439 - 456.[PDF]
Slocum T. A., Blok C., Jiang B., Koussoulakou A., Montello D. R., Fuhrmann S. and Hedley N. R. (2001), Cognitive and usability issues in geovisualization, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 28(1), 61 - 75. [PDF]
Jiang B. and Ormeling F. J.(2000), Mapping cyberspace: visualising, exploring and analysing virtual worlds, The Cartographic Journal, 37(2), 117 - 122. [PDF]
Claramunt C., Jiang B. and Bargiela A.(2000), A new framework for the integration, analysis and visualisation of urban traffic data within GIS, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, An International Journal, 8, 167 - 184. [PDF]
Jiang B. (1998), Visualisation of fuzzy boundaries of geographic objects, Cartography: Journal of Mapping Sciences Institute, 27(2), 31-36. [PDF]
Jiang B. and Ormeling F. J.(1997), Cybermap: the map for cyberspace, The Cartographic Journal, 34(2), 111-116. [PDF]
Jiang B. (1997), Linguistic uncertainty: modelling and visualising, The Dutch Cartographic Journal, 23(2), 8-13.
Jiang B. (1996), Cartographic visualisation: analytical and communication tools, Cartography: Journal of Mapping Sciences Institute, December, 1-11. [PDF]
Jiang B., Brown A., and F. J. Ormeling (1996), Some perceptual aspects of colouring uncertainty, in: M. J. Kraak and M. Molenaar (eds.) Advances in GIS Research II, Taylor & Francis, 477 – 490.
Jiang B. and Muller J. C.(1995), Geo-visualization for geoinformation handling, Sistema Terra: Remote Sensing and the Earth, Rome, Italy, 30-32.
Jiang B. and Hu Y. (1995), Visualisation -- the core of modern cartography (in Chinese), The Chinese Journal of Cartography and GIS, Wuhan, 3-7.
Fuzzy modelling and visualization
Batty M., Thurstain-Goodwin M., Jiang B. et. al.(1998) Town Centres: Defining Boundaries for Statistical Monitoring: Feasibility Study, ISBN: 0 11 753436 6, London: The Stationery Office, 54 pages.
Jiang B. (1997) Linguistic uncertainty: modelling and visualising (in Dutch), The Dutch Cartographic Journal, 23(2), 8-13.[Dutch]
Jiang B. (1996), Fuzzy Overlay Analysis and Visualisation in Geographic Information Systems, Universiteit Utrecht, ISBN: 90 6266 128 9, 168 pages.
Jiang B. and Kainz W.(1996), Fuzzy overlay analysis with linguistic degree terms, in: M. J. Kraak and M. Molenaar (eds.) Advances in GIS Research II, Taylor & Francis, 301 – 318.
Jiang B. (1996), Combination of fuzzy spatial analysis and visualisation to enhance the functionality of urban GIS (in Chinese), in: Urban GIS: Research and Implementation, edited by Hui Lin, Shanghai Sci. & Tech. Press, 45-58.
Jiang B., Kainz W. and Ormeling F. J. (1995), Hypermap techniques in fuzzy data exploration, in: Proceedings of 17th International Cartographic Conference of ICA, Barcelona, 1923 - 1927.
Jiang B., Kainz W. and Ormeling F. J.(1995), A modified HLS system used in the visualisation of uncertainty, in: Proceedings of International Symposium on RS, GIS & GPS in Sustainable Development and Environmental Monitoring, Hong Kong, 702-712.
Jiang B., Ormeling F. J. and Kainz W.(1995), Visualisation support for fuzzy spatial analysis, in: ACSM/ASPRS Annual Convention & Exposition Technical Papers, American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 291-300.
Jiang B. and Kainz W.(1994), Fuzzification as a basis for fuzzy spatial analysis. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Integration, Automation and Intelligence in Photogrammtry, Remote Sensing and GIS, Wuhan, 294-302.
Editorials, columns and book reviews
Yao X. and Jiang B. (2009), Editorial: geospatial modeling of urban environments, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 36(5), 769-771, [PDF]
Jiang B. (2008), Review of: Else/Where: Mapping New Cartographies of Networks and Territories, edited by Janet Abrams and Peter Hall, In: The Cartographic Journal, 45(4), 318. [PDF]
Jiang B. (2007), Editorial: some thoughts on geospatial analysis and modeling, Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 31(5), 477 - 480.[PDF]
Jiang B. (2007), Review of: Cybercartography: Theory and Practice by D. R. Fraser Taylor, In: Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 34, 186 - 187. [PDF]
Jiang B. and Zipf A. (2006), Editorial: how do location-based services hit Google, Computers Environment and Urban Systems, 30, 709 - 711. [PDF]
Jiang B. (2005), Review of Mapping Scientific Frontiers – the Quest for Knowledge Visualization by Chaomei Chen, In: The Cartographic Journal, 42(2). [PDF]
Jiang B. (2005), Review of: Location-Based Services by Jochen Schiller and Agnes Voisard, In: Geoinformatics, July/August 2005.[PDF]
Jiang B. and Li Z. (2005), Editorial: geovisualization: design, enhanced visual tools and applications, The Cartographic Journal, 42(1), 3-4.[PDF]
Jiang B. (2005), Column: a different topology: moving from geometry to geography, In: Geoinformatics, March, 2005.[PDF]
Jiang B. and Zipf A. (2004), Editorial: an introducion to the special Issue on LBS and GIS, The Journal of Geographic Information Sciences, CPGIS: Berkeley.[PDF]
Jiang B. (2004), Column: how many turns? it is smaller than we thought, In: Geoinformatics, Oct./Nov., 2004.[PDF]
Jiang B. (2004), Review of: Telegeoinformatics: Location-Based Computing and Services by Hassan A. Karimi and Amin Hammad, In: Geoinformatics, September, 2004.[PDF]
Jiang B. (2000), Review of: Web Cartography: Developments and Prospects by M. Kraak and A. Brown, In: GeoEurope, December, 2000.[PDF]